
Better Auth offers a client library compatible with popular frontend frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, and more. This client library includes a set of functions for interacting with the Better Auth server. Each framework's client library is built on top of a core client library that is framework-agnostic, so that all methods and hooks are consistently available across all client libraries.


If you haven't already, install better-auth.

npm i better-auth

Create Client Instance

Import createAuthClient from the package for your framework (e.g., "better-auth/react" for React). Call the function to create your client. Pass the base URL of your auth server. If the auth server is running on the same domain as your client, you can skip this step.

If you're using a different base path other than /api/auth, make sure to pass the whole URL, including the path. (e.g., http://localhost:3000/custom-path/auth)

import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/react"
export const authClient =  createAuthClient({
    baseURL: "http://localhost:3000" // the base url of your auth server


Once you've created your client instance, you can use the client to interact with the Better Auth server. The client provides a set of functions by default and they can be extended with plugins.

Example: Sign In

import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/client"
const authClient =  createAuthClient()
    email: "",
    password: "password1234"


On top of normal methods, the client provides hooks to easily access different reactive data. Every hook is available in the root object of the client and they all start with use.

Example: useSession

//make sure you're using the react client
import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/react"
const { useSession } = createAuthClient() 
export function User() {
    const {
        data: session,
        isPending, //loading state
        error, //error object 
        refetch //refetch the session
    } = useSession()
    return (

Fetch Options

The client uses a library called better fetch to make requests to the server.

Better fetch is a wrapper around the native fetch API that provides a more convenient way to make requests. It's created by the same team behind Better Auth and is designed to work seamlessly with it.

You can pass any default fetch options to the client by passing fetchOptions object to the createAuthClient.

import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/client"
const authClient =  createAuthClient({
    fetchOptions: {
        //any better-fetch options

You can also pass fetch options to most of the client functions. Either as the second argument or as a property in the object.

    email: "",
    password: "password1234",
}, {
    onSuccess(ctx) {
    email: "",
    password: "password1234",
    fetchOptions: {
        onSuccess(ctx) {

Handling Errors

Most of the client functions return a response object with the following properties:

  • data: The response data.
  • error: The error object if there was an error.

the error object contains the following properties:

  • message: The error message. (e.g., "Invalid email or password")
  • status: The HTTP status code.
  • statusText: The HTTP status text.
const { data, error } = await{
    email: "",
    password: "password1234"
if (error) {
    //handle error

If the actions accepts a fetchOptions option, you can pass onError callback to handle errors.

    email: "",
    password: "password1234",
}, {
    onError(ctx) {
        //handle error
    email: "",
    password: "password1234",
    fetchOptions: {
        onError(ctx) {
            //handle error

Hooks like useSession also return an error object if there was an error fetching the session. On top of that, they also return a isPending property to indicate if the request is still pending.

const { data, error, isPending } = useSession()
if (error) {
    //handle error

Error Codes

The client instance contains $ERROR_CODES object that contains all the error codes returned by the server. You can use this to handle error translations or custom error messages.

const authClient = createAuthClient();
type ErrorTypes = Partial<
		keyof typeof client.$ERROR_CODES,
			en: string;
			es: string;
const errorCodes = {
		en: "user already registered",
		es: "usuario ya registrada",
} satisfies ErrorTypes;
const getErrorMessage = (code: string, lang: "en" | "es") => {
	if (code in errorCodes) {
		return errorCodes[code as keyof typeof errorCodes][lang];
	return "";
const { error } = await{
	email: "",
	password: "password",
	name: "User",
    alert(getErrorMessage(error.code), "en");


You can extend the client with plugins to add more functionality. Plugins can add new functions to the client or modify existing ones.

Example: Magic Link Plugin

import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/client"
import { magicLinkClient } from "better-auth/client/plugins"
const authClient =  createAuthClient({
    plugins: [

once you've added the plugin, you can use the new functions provided by the plugin.

await authClient.signIn.magicLink({
    email: ""

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