Phone Number

The phone number plugin extends the authentication system by allowing users to sign in and sign up using their phone number. It includes OTP (One-Time Password) functionality to verify phone numbers.


Add Plugin to the server

import { betterAuth } from "better-auth"
import { phoneNumber } from "better-auth/plugins"
const auth = betterAuth({
    plugins: [ 
            sendOTP: ({ phoneNumber, code }, request) => { 
                // Implement sending OTP code via SMS

Migrate the database

Run the migration or generate the schema to add the necessary fields and tables to the database.

npx @better-auth/cli migrate

See the Schema section to add the fields manually.

Add the client plugin

import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/client"
import { phoneNumberClient } from "better-auth/client/plugins"
const authClient =  createAuthClient({
    plugins: [ 


Send OTP for Verification

To send an OTP to a user's phone number for verification, you can use the sendVerificationCode endpoint.

await authClient.phoneNumber.sendOtp({
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890"

Verify Phone Number

After the OTP is sent, users can verify their phone number by providing the code.

const isVerified = await authClient.phoneNumber.verify({
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890",
    code: "123456"

When the phone number is verified, the phoneNumberVerified field in the user table is set to true. If disableSession is not set to true, a session is created for the user. Additionally, if callbackOnVerification is provided, it will be called.

Allow Sign-Up with Phone Number

To allow users to sign up using their phone number, you can pass signUpOnVerification option to your plugin configuration. It requires you to pass getTempEmail function to generate a temporary email for the user.

export const auth = betterAuth({
    plugins: [
            sendOTP: ({ phoneNumber, code }, request) => {
                // Implement sending OTP code via SMS
            signUpOnVerification: {
                getTempEmail: (phoneNumber) => {
                    return `${phoneNumber}`
                //optionally, you can also pass `getTempName` function to generate a temporary name for the user
                getTempName: (phoneNumber) => {
                    return phoneNumber //by default, it will use the phone number as the name

SignIn with Phone number

In addition to signing in a user using send-verify flow, you can also use phone number as an identifier and sign in a user using phone number and password.

await authClient.signIn.phoneNumber({
    phoneNumber: "+123456789",
    password: "password",
    rememberMe: true //optional defaults to true

Update Phone Number

Updating phone number uses the same process as verifying a phone number. The user will receive an OTP code to verify the new phone number.

await authClient.phoneNumber.sendOtp({
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890" // New phone number

Then verify the new phone number with the OTP code.

const isVerified = await authClient.phoneNumber.verify({
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890",
    code: "123456",
    updatePhoneNumber: true // Set to true to update the phone number

If a user session exist the phone number will be updated automatically.

Disable Session Creation

By default, the plugin creates a session for the user after verifying the phone number. You can disable this behavior by passing disableSession: true to the verify method.

const isVerified = await authClient.phoneNumber.verify({
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890",
    code: "123456",
    disableSession: true

Forget Password

To initiate a forget password flow using phoneNumber, you can start by calling forgetPassword on the client to send an OTP code to the user's phone number.

await authClient.phoneNumber.forgetPassword({
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890"

Then, you can reset the password by calling resetPassword on the client with the OTP code and the new password.

const isVerified = await authClient.phoneNumber.resetPassword({
    otp: "123456", // OTP code sent to the user's phone number
    phoneNumber: "+1234567890",
    newPassword: "newPassword"


  • otpLength: The length of the OTP code to be generated. Default is 6.
  • sendOTP: A function that sends the OTP code to the user's phone number. It takes the phone number and the OTP code as arguments.
  • verifyOTP: A custom function to verify the OTP code. It takes the phone number and the OTP code as arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether the code is valid.
  • expiresIn: The time in seconds after which the OTP code expires. Default is 300 seconds.
  • callbackOnVerification: A function that is called after the phone number is verified. It takes the phone number and the user object as the first argument and a request object as the second argument.
export const auth = betterAuth({
    plugins: [
            sendOTP: ({ phoneNumber, code }, request) => {
                // Implement sending OTP code via SMS
            callbackOnVerification: async ({ phoneNumber, user }, request) => {
                // Implement callback after phone number verification
  • phoneNumberValidator: A custom function to validate the phone number. It takes the phone number as an argument and returns a boolean indicating whether the phone number is valid.
  • signUpOnVerification: An object with the following properties:
    • getTempEmail: A function that generates a temporary email for the user. It takes the phone number as an argument and returns the temporary email.
    • getTempName: A function that generates a temporary name for the user. It takes the phone number as an argument and returns the temporary name.


The plugin requires 2 fields to be added to the user table

User Table

Field NameTypeKeyDescription
phoneNumberstringThe phone number of the user
phoneNumberVerifiedbooleanWhether the phone number is verified or not

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